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1. Aachener Symposium Craniale Osteopathie - 27. und 28. September 2024

From Fancy to Fact – New Physiological Foundations for Cranial Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy

The symposium, which takes place in Aachen, presents past and current (neuro)physiological findings. (neuro-)physiological findings. Bridging the gap - from basic science to clinical-practical medicine, from complementary to conventional medicine.

Informal short registration stating surname, first name, title for the 1st Aachen Symposium Cranial Osteopathy - September 27 and 28, 2024:

please send an e-mail to:

or by post to: Praxis Dr. H. Pelz, St.-Petri-Platz 5, 21614 Buxtehude

A confirmation of registration will only be binding and sent upon receipt of the contribution to expenses (including "Come together Dinner" on Friday) by: 200,- € (students with proof 100,-€) by 31.08.2024 at the latest. Please send your contribution to the account of DGOM e.V. Keyword "Syposium Aachen 2024":
IBAN: DE84 3006 0601 0407 2680 84
Bank: Apobank

The number of registrations is limited!

The confirmation of participation is based on receipt of the binding registration. Later registrations, after 31.08.24, are only possible on explicit request for organizational reasons. and also only possible if there are still places available.


Erholungs-Gesellschaft Aachen 1837, Reihstraße 13, 52062 Aachen

Hotel accommodation in the city of Aachen is under its own responsibility.
Arrival by plane: Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf or Maastricht.
By train: Aachen Central Station.
By car: Several multi-storey car parks in the immediate vicinity.

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Preliminary Program
Friday, 27.09.2024
3:00pm - 3:15pm Welcome: Holger Pelz / Volker Rings
3:15pm - 4:15pm Keynote Maurice César: "Rhythms in osteopathy"
4:15pm - 4:45pm Holger Pelz: "Introduction to CRI research"
4:45pm - 5:00pm Break
5:00pm - 6:00pm Lecture Volker Perlitz: "Holger Schmidt-Schönbein - visionary and rival - from the erythrocyte to the goat rhythm to osteopathy." (In collaboration with Birol Cotuk, Marmara University Istanbul.)
- Exchange -
Saturday, 28.09.2024
9:00am - 9:30am Lecture Elmar Peuker: "Special features of osteopathic research, Osteopathic Clinicians-reported Opinions and Outcome Measures (OCROOMs)."
- Exchange -
9:30am - 10:30am Workshop (Measurement presentation)
10:30am - 10.45am Break
10:45am - 11.15am Lecture Micha Keller: "The role of interoception in osteopathic medicine in healthy subjects and patients with chronic pain."
- Exchange -
11:15am - 11:45am Presentation of workshop measurement results
11:45am - 12:15pm Break
12:15pm - 13:00pm Conclusion in plenary session; quo vadis?

Still CRIzy after all these years?

Scientific Background

"Spheno-occipital synchondrosis (SOS) is the joint regarded as the most important foundation for understanding cranial osteopathy and craniosacral therapy." (Bodoni & Escher, 2023). "The autonomic nervous system has also been tentatively linked to the CRI14; this linkage is the basis of our new hypothesis" (McPartland & Mein, 1997). The cranial rhythmic impulse: a subtle rhythmic phenomenon that occurs at a rate of 6 to 12 cycles per cycle. minute and variable amplitude. Palpation and manipulation of the CRI can provide corrective impulses which have an indirect restorative influence on the autonomic nervous system. 20 years ago, it was the Traube-Hering-Mayer waves. The question remained as to the origin of the cranial Rhythmic impulse.
The third side of the coin...
Parasympathetic nervous system or sympathetic nervous system - that was the question for a long time. Physiological rhythms in the activity of the autonomic nervous system have been associated with one of these systems. Used in cranial osteopathy rhythms fell by the wayside. Autogenic training, a complementary approach to controlling the autonomic nervous system, has been shown to be effective in the production of rhythmic activity at 0.15 Hz (9 cpm) in the heart, blood pressure, respiration and Skin blood flow between parasympathetic and sympathetic activity - the third side of the coin. ANS and the 0.15 Hz rhythm ("intermediate rhythm", IM, squeezed between parasympathetic and sympathetic activity) – key to understanding OCF effects and CRI?
Hands-on – die schwierige Aufgabe
ANS adjustment before, during, and after cranial arch surgery (CVH), compression of the 4th ventricle (CV4) and two SHAM conditions.

César, M., (2009). Osteopathisches Handeln, Noëma, München. Originaltitel: L´Action ostéopathique. Une intrusion autorisée dans le conscient tissulaire. Paris: Publibook, 2007.

Pelz, H. (2015). Inhärente Rhythmen – komplexe psychophysische Synergismen durch Synchronisation Osteopathische Medizin, 15(23, 4-18.

Keller, M., Pelz, H., Perlitz, V., Zweerings, J., Röcher, E., Baqapuri, H. I., & Mathiak, K. (2020). Neural correlates of fluctuations in the intermediate band for heart rate and respiration are related to interoceptive perception. Psychophysiology, 57(9), e13594.

Borik, S., Keller, M., Perlitz, V., Lyra, S., Pelz, H., Müller, G., ... & Blazek, V. (2023). On the cardiorespiratory coordination assessed by the photoplethysmography imaging technique. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 14645.

Pelz, H., Keller, M., Müller, G., Borik, S., & Perlitz, V. (2023). Forschung zum Cranial Rhythmic Impulse (CRI) in der osteopathischen Medizin. Osteopathische Medizin, 24(3), 18-23.

Pelz, H., Müller, G., Keller, M., Mathiak, K., Mayer, J., Borik, S., & Perlitz, V. (2023). Validation of subjective manual palpation using objective physiological recordings of the cranial rhythmic impulse during osteopathic manipulative intervention. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6611.

Keller, M., Pelz, H., Müller, G., Borik, S., Mathiak, K., Mayer, J., Repik, I., Geilgens, A., & Perlitz, V. (2024). Autonomic nervous system responses in the intermediate band to cranial cutaneous stimulation. Physiological Reports, 12, e15891.


FuE-Forschungsprojekt der DGOM
Dr. Holger Pelz
St.-Petri-Platz 5
21614 Buxtehude

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